The Benefits and Downsides of TikTok Marketing in 2023 - Boostmeup (2024)

TikTok is quickly becoming the next big thing in social media, and it’s not hard to see why. The app offers a great deal of benefits for marketers who want to reach their audience on new platforms.

And since virtually all businesses want to be where their customers are, it’s not surprising to see many marketers eyeing the surging growth of TikTok and thinking of a way to implement TikTok marketing into their marketing strategy.


  1. The Benefits and Downsides of TikTok Marketing
  2. Tiktok Marketing
  3. Benefits of TikTok Marketing
    • 1: TikTok is a quickly growing social media app
    • 2: It’s easy and free to use
    • 3: You can target just about anyone with TikTok Marketing
    • 4: Your fans can become your strongest advocates
    • 5: Audiences can engage in different ways
    • 6: You can use TikTok ads to easily reach new customers and build awareness of your brand
    • 7: There are several different types of video ads you can create on the app
    • 8: You will get more authentic brand exposure than you would on other social media platforms
    • 9: Ad performance is easily trackable with TikTok advertising
    • 10: It’s an amazing place to learn marketing skills
  4. Some Downsides of TikTok Marketing
  5. Tips for Marketing Your Business on TikTok
    • Know your audience
    • Don’t just create content – create an experience!
    • Don’t forget about tags!
    • Follow current TikTok trends
    • Incorporate TikTok influencers in your campaign
    • Post often!
    • Have fun!
  6. Final Note on the Benefits and Downsides of TikTok Marketing

The Benefits and Downsides of TikTok Marketing

TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms out there, and it’s also a great place to learn how to market yourself or your business. However, there are also some downsides that you should consider before diving in headfirst.

This post will help you see some benefits of TikTok marketing and some of its downsides. It will help you decide if it is right for you and your brand – and if so, how best to use it as an effective marketing tool.

Tiktok Marketing

TikTok is a social media app that allows users to upload and share short videos with their friends. The platform was created by Chinese technology company ByteDance in 2017. This is the same company that purchased; another social media app focused on music content.

Since its launch in 2016, TikTok has grown rapidly. It currently has over 800 million monthly active users (MAUs). Its popularity has also led to an increase in advertising revenue.

According to Sensor Tower data cited by CNBC last year, ads accounted for about $100 million for the first quarter of 2019 alone!

Like any social platform, marketing your brand or business on TikTok can be complicated. From organic reach to paid advertising, the platform offers you a whole world of opportunities for businesses to explore.

TikTok simply provides a new, innovative way for business owners to reach their audience with the type of content they would like – video content.

Of course, the first place to start would be to create a branded account and link it to your other social media profiles. From there, you would be expected to post creative and fresh content to engage your audience.

You will also need to start participating in trends and partnering with other TikTok users. All these can help you kick-start your reach on a good foot.

On the other side, you can explore TikTok marketing via paid ads. Here, you would be required to change your account to a business account to run paid ads on the app. When it comes to running ads on TikTok, there are lots of options available to you.

You can decide to run in-feed video ads, spark ads, or static ads. All of these are designed to help promote awareness for your brand and help you reach and engage better with your target audience. Now, let’s consider some of the benefits of TikTok marketing.

Benefits of TikTok Marketing

1: TikTok is a quickly growing social media app

TikTok is the fastest-growing social media app in history, and it’s not slowing down anytime soon. With more than 800 million daily active users, TikTok is one of the most popular apps on both iOS and Android devices.

This popularity means that if you can get the hang of how to use the platform for marketing, you are likely going to reach more potential customers than with any other social media platform.

2: It’s easy and free to use

You don’t need any previous experience with video editing or social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram in order to get started on TikTok. All you have to do is download the app and create an account with your phone number or email address.

From there, you can use their built-in tools (like lenses and filters) as well as add your own music and photos from elsewhere on your device.

This makes it almost effortless compared with other platforms like YouTube or Instagram, where there’s more involved in creating content and getting it seen by others online.

You can use hashtags to find other users that share similar interests with yours, which will make it easier for you to expand your following base quickly.

You’ll be able to know what kind of content they like by looking at their galleries or by watching their TikTok Story. That way, you won’t need to spend too much time searching for people who want to engage with your brand or product line.

3: You can target just about anyone with TikTok Marketing

With a social media network that has over 1 billion users, TikTok Marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience. You can target just about anyone with the right hashtags and creative content.

  • Target a niche audience

Because TikTok is so popular, you have access to thousands of different people who are interested in specific subject matter or hobbies.

If you’re selling a product that caters to a niche market like dog owners or gamers, then this platform is perfect for reaching new customers!

  • Target a global audience

With such a huge number of daily active users, there’s no better way than TikTok Marketing when it comes down to finding new clients who live outside your home country – especially if they speak different languages than yours!

  • Target specific groups

One of the main benefits of TikTok is that you can target specific audiences on the platform. You can target based on age, gender, and location. You can also target based on interests or keywords that your audience uses in their videos and comments.

4: Your fans can become your strongest advocates

You can encourage your fans to share your content, whether it’s a video or a post. They can help promote the content through their own social media channels and spread the word.

This will increase the reach of your marketing campaign, which means that more people will be exposed to your brand.

You’ll also want to encourage them to leave comments on posts so you can engage with them directly and grow your audience further.

This way, they’ll feel like they’re part of something bigger than just one individual user account – they’re contributing toward something greater than themselves.

5: Audiences can engage in different ways

This is another important benefit of TikTok marketing. It works well to increase and widen your audience base. To a high degree, the platform encourages people to engage and makes it super easy for them to do so.

Therefore, many content creators and brands on the app have used that bright side of TikTok to their advantage to maximize both awareness and engagement.

TikTok has a variety of features that make it easy for your audience to engage with your content on the platform. Some of them include:

  • Stitching your videos into theirs: This is a unique TikTok feature that allows your audience to take a snippet of your videos and add their own spin to make great content on their own profile.

This is a great way to get them involved in the process of creating something that they can share with their friends, who can then join in on the fun by stitching their own videos into yours!

  • Duet your videos: This is a form of a dialogue between you and your audience. You can use different colored captions to indicate which parts they can act out, sing to, or perhaps reenact.

The key here is to make sure that both parties agree on what you’ll be singing before going live, so that there are no surprises.

And if there are, it’s all in good fun! They can even invite others who aren’t on TikTok (or a famous personality) to join in as well. This is all great awareness for you and your brand.

  • Use your original sounds for their own videos: If your business is about music or sound production, you will find this feature really beneficial. When you upload your original sounds, which are, of course, engaging, your audience will be tempted to want to incorporate them into their videos too.

6: You can use TikTok ads to easily reach new customers and build awareness of your brand

TikTok is a fun and engaging platform, which makes it a great way to get your brand in front of new customers. You can use TikTok ads to reach new audiences, build awareness of your brand, and even drive sales.

TikTok ads are easy to create and track. Unlike other social media channels like Facebook or Instagram, you don’t need an agency or ad agency to run an effective campaign on TikTok.

You can do it yourself! You can also choose between different types of campaigns: video views or revines (rewards offered for posting videos), which are less than $0.50 per thousand impressions (CPM).

7: There are several different types of video ads you can create on the app

TikTok’s video ad platform is pretty robust, letting you do everything from creating branded hashtags challenges to in-feed native video ads and more. Here are some examples of the different types of videos you can create on TikTok:

  • Branded hashtags challenges: These are essentially branded content that users can submit to, like your own version of #ThrowbackThursday or #WineWednesday.
  • Branded effects: You can make it so that when someone uses a certain effect on their video, it will show up as your brand instead (for example, “Brand New” or “It’s So Fresh!”). This is a great way to get noticed by users while they’re making their own videos!
  • In-Feed Native Video Ads: These are short clips that play before other videos in the feed; they’re usually around 15 seconds long (and sometimes include sound).

8: You will get more authentic brand exposure than you would on other social media platforms

When it comes to TikTok marketing, there are some key benefits you should know about. One of the biggest benefits is that it’s a new platform with less competition for attention.

TikTok allows brands to create more authentic content than they would be able to on other social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

On these older platforms, people have seen a lot of ads already and are used to seeing them everywhere they go online.

But since TikTok hasn’t been around as long, it has less competition for attention. This means your brand can stand out more easily!

Additionally, since the majority of users on TikTok are younger than on other platforms, this means they’re more likely to resonate with your brand’s image or message than an older demographic would be in most cases (which makes sense because teens and young adults are usually first engaged with new technology).

9: Ad performance is easily trackable with TikTok advertising

As a TikTok marketer, you can easily track the performance of your ads. This is interesting because you can see how many people are clicking your ads and how many are watching them.

You can also see how many people are viewing your videos and even how many of them are replaying the video after they’ve watched it. This is not something you can easily come by on other social media channels.

10: It’s an amazing place to learn marketing skills

TikTok is an amazing place to learn marketing skills. You can learn a lot about marketing by using TikTok, including:

  • Targeting your audience
  • Creating content
  • Making videos
  • Creating ads and graphics
  • Creating hashtags

Some Downsides of TikTok Marketing

  • Content format limitation

While TikTok is doing well with statistics and seems like a great platform to market your business now, it shouldn’t be your all-in-all digital marketing solution.

The platform has content format limitations. It only allows you to share videos and not any other content format. That means you can post ads that are simply in the form of static graphics. Creating videos every time may put a strain on your budget.

  • Content restriction

There are also some content restrictions on TikTok. For example, you can’t make a video longer than 30 seconds or post links in a comment section.

If you have an idea for a longer video that would really benefit from being extended or would benefit from having links included in it, then maybe TikTok isn’t the platform for you right now.

That means you can’t give a link to probably a website where people can make a purchase or signup for your service.

  • It is time-consuming

It can also be time-consuming because each post needs to be created from scratch. That means that if you want multiple posts per day (which is recommended for most Instagram accounts), then it’s going to take quite a bit of time each day just creating those posts from scratch!

Video marketing on TikTok takes time – and not just because it takes time to create videos! You also have to spend time replying back to comments on your videos and responding directly to people who tag you in the comments section of your posts. Again, not everyone will see your replies unless they’re following you.

Additionally, there’s no way to schedule posts ahead of time. You will have to be creating and posting those videos one at a time. That can leave a great toll on your time if you are using TikTok as your only digital marketing platform.

  • Long-term Performance tracking is not easy

TikTok in-app analytics are only available for a few days – 28 days. That means to track the long-term TikTok analysis of your company; you may need to start keeping a record yourself. That is another strain on your time.

  • Demographics could be an issue

It is true that TikTok has a really interesting reach, but that doesn’t mean it will be the right reach for your business. Every business has its own audience set.

Now, if your business primarily markets to older people or other specific demographics, TikTok might not be the perfect place for you to market the business. TikTok is literarily directed more to younger folks!

  • There are strict guidelines regarding what constitutes “appropriate” content

While there aren’t really any rules about what people can post on Instagram or Facebook (as long as it doesn’t violate any laws), there are quite a few guidelines for what’s allowed on TikTok, and those guidelines change frequently!

You can’t post nude or violent content – and many more rules. So, make sure you’re aware of these standards before posting anything so that you don’t get shut down by TikTok administrators later on down the line.

Tips for Marketing Your Business on TikTok

TikTok is a powerful platform for marketing, but it’s not always easy to know where to start. Here are some tips for marketing on TikTok:

Know your audience

Before you even think about creating content, it’s important to know who your audience is. What are they interested in? What do they want?

How can you speak their language? Once you have an idea of who they are and what they like, you’ll have a much easier time coming up with a strategy that works for them.

Don’t just create content – create an experience!

One of the biggest mistakes that marketers make when it comes to TikTok is trying too hard to sell something instead of giving people something fun and entertaining that will make them want to come back for more later down the road.

It’s important not only to create great content but also make sure it flows well together so that people feel like they’re part of an ongoing story instead of just seeing ads for products every five seconds (which is not fun).

Make sure the content of your video is relevant to your brand. It should be something that people want to watch and learn about, but also something that will get them interested in your product or service.

Don’t forget about tags!

You can tag up to 5 other accounts within your video if you think it might be helpful for them to see it—and if it makes sense for their audience. Just don’t tag too many accounts at once, or else it could look spammy!

Use hashtags! The more hashtags you use in a post or caption (including those from other social media platforms), the more likely it is that people will see your content in their feeds.

However, make sure any hashtags you use are relevant and meaningful to what you’re trying to say in your video and don’t just use any hashtag without knowing what it means!

It doesn’t make sense to use a hashtag like “tacos” when talking about pizza, for example. Just make sure there’s some sort of connection between what you’re saying and whatever hashtag you choose.

Follow current TikTok trends

If you want to market your product or service on TikTok, you need to know what’s hot right now. You can do this by taking a look at the popular hashtags and videos on the platform.

Incorporate TikTok influencers in your campaign

If you’re trying to reach a wider audience on TikTok, it might be helpful to partner with an influencer who has an existing following on the platform. This will help you reach more people in your target demographic and increase engagement with your brand among those users.

Post often!

There are only so many spots in a user’s feed, so if you only post occasionally, users may not see it at all. Or worse yet, they’ll see it and forget about it quickly because there are so many other posts constantly vying for their attention.

To keep content fresh in the feed, try posting multiple times per day or week at different times of day (e.g., early morning vs. late night).

Have fun!

Don’t take yourself too seriously! You want people to feel like they can relate to you or your brand, and humor is one of the best ways to do this. People love seeing brands that are friendly and fun!

Final Note on the Benefits and Downsides of TikTok Marketing

TikTok’s user base is growing. In fact, in 2019 alone, the app gained over 200 million users. With so many people using TikTok, it’s only natural for brands to take notice and advertise on the platform.

Brands can advertise their products or services directly to consumers in a fun way that keeps them engaged for longer periods of time. This also gives brands an opportunity to interact with their audience and create a stronger relationship with them.

However, while there are positive sides to marketing your brand on TikTok, there are also some downsides. The platform may not be the best for your kind of target demographics and could limit your content creation strategy.

We have talked in detail about both the pros and cons of marketing on TikTok in this post. You can go over them again so you can decide if marketing on the platform is the best for your business.

We hope the post has really been helpful. If you still have certain challenges or questions concerning the topic, don’t hesitate to let us know about them. Just drop a message for us in the comment section below, and we will be glad to help.

The Benefits and Downsides of TikTok Marketing in 2023 - Boostmeup (2024)


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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.