The Heir (The Twisted Kingdoms, #3) (2024)

Lucie V.

1,078 reviews2,940 followers

September 25, 2023

✅ Good pace / Quick read
✅ Angst / Hate-love
✅ Action
✅ Plot
✅ Secondary characters
✅🆗 Romance
🆗 Main character
🆗 Spying

This is a good finale for the series. The is more action in this book, and the plot finally progresses. I enjoyed this book very much, but some things still bothered me.

I still don’t know what was the deal with Levka when he confessed his feelings for Temp in the first book. It came out of nowhere, he kissed her once, then ignored her and was cold towards her, and they never talked about it again. Was it a ploy so she would be unavailable for the king to court if she was already seeing a man? Was he really feeling these emotions for her? It is not clear, and because it,s not clear, I don’t know what was the point of this scene in The Hunt.

Once again, the fact that the king does not question where Temp goes is weird. She was supposed to have a dress fitting, and instead, she sneaked out of the castle and was gone for a few hours. Either no one notices that she was not in the castle, or they just didn’t care? I have the same feeling that I had while reading the second book. The storyline is good, but it seems too easy for Temp to come and go from the castle ground as she pleases. I was glad when the king finally started to be suspicious and decided that Temp might have outlived her usefulness, which fitted more with the ruthless king persona than the oblivious king thinking that Temp was too meek to betray him.

Temp finally chose a side at the end of The Rook, but she still annoyed me at times with her indecision and her desire to “do the right thing” according to her views, even when it didn’t fit with the views of the others. The fact that she hesitated to kill the king because “she was no murderer” makes no sense to me. She is a soldier, has killed before, and knows firsthand how much of a monster the king is. Stop being so hesitant girl!

Besides that, it is a fast-paced book, and things are finally getting somewhere between Pyra and Temp. I was hoping for more heated moments and even more romance in this series, but Temp and Pyre’s relationship is definitely a slow-burn. I don’t mind because I loved reading about them, and I loved seeing them grow. Their characters changed a lot since the first book, and even though many little things bothered me in this book, I still enjoyed it very much. I am also happy that Brine and Damien were part of this book, but I would have liked more moments with them.

The Hunt ⭐⭐⭐.5
The Rook ⭐⭐⭐.5

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    fantasy hate-to-love kindle-ebook

.*•. ☾ sephia ☾ .•*.

316 reviews21 followers

July 22, 2021

I definitely get a lot of vibes that this author is the type of person that believes you can only have sex after marriage. (Hey if that’s you, who cares but it’s the shaming I didn’t vibe with)

There were so many hints in this, and the insinuation of being with 2 men makes you a “whor*” like ooo I didn’t like those vibes.

The fact that I had to read three whole books for some type of steamy scenes is disappointing, like, no. It was right at the end of the book as well like honeeey.


74 reviews22 followers

March 11, 2021

DNF at 82%

This is going to be long!!!

I LOVED the first two books in the trilogy. I couldn’t get enough of them. I loved Tempest for her strength, grit, and compassion. I loved Pyre’s scheming, mischievous, and passionate nature. Mostly I loved the banter and their complicated dance of always trying to outsmart the other while the slow burn burned a little more brightly in each scene they spent together. However, despite my love for them, I couldn’t stomach finishing this.

I hate, HATE Pyre’s obsession with protecting her. How many f*cking times does she have to tell him she doesn’t need protection. He always responds “I know, but....” LIKE YOU THOUGHT HER A WORTHY DANGEROUS ENEMY WHY CANT YOU GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD AND JUST TRUST HER!! They had this argument over and over again nearly in every scene they have together (up until where I stopped.)

I’m also COMPLETELY over Pyre’s whole “she’s MINE” and “that’s MY mate!!” internal monologues. It is way overdone and it is cringe. I understand wanting to drive home the “animal” part of Pyre’s courting, but it was mentioned every single time Pyre saw her, and not only that, but repeated several times within the same scenes. It’s used so often that I ended up feeling progressively more and more disgusted every time it was mentioned until I couldn’t take it anymore.

The final straw for me, though is the way Tempest spoke about sex. This is the exchange that got under my skin. It is in regard to Tempest being afraid that everyone will think she’s a “whor*” for spending nights sleeping in Pyre’s tent (even though she’s sleeping alone.)

“I look like a whor*.”
“Don’t ever refer to yourself like that again.”
“I look like one. You and I both know it,” she replied stubbornly. “Which is ironic since I’ve never even been with a man.”
Pyre froze. “Excuse me?”
She colored. “I never trusted anyone enough. Despite my somewhat hedonistic upbringing, my uncles raised me to uphold certain guidelines and morals. One of them was not to sleep with anyone I wasn’t bound to. I know many don’t adhere by that standard, but it protected me from being used by careless men, from disease, and children before I was ready.

I get that not every person is comfortable with sex until marriage. I respect that and I respect that the author wanted to write Tempest as an individual who follows that belief, but the way it was done was poorly executed. It did not have to be in the context of shaming other women for enjoying sex. It disappoints me especially because Tempest is an unconventional woman in her world/ the time period of it. She defies gender roles and the limitations of freedom placed on the women of her culture. For her to be so small-minded and use this kind of sex shaming language and mindset f*cking pissed me off. Again, I’m not mad that she chooses to remain abstinent til marriage, I’m mad because she goes about it with slu*t shaming language that disempowers the independence and freedom of other women’s choices in her world which you think would be something she would wish to protect.

With all of these issues combined I was left with a super poor taste in my mouth, and I just simply couldn’t bring myself to read any more of it.

Sorry for the long review, but I rarely rarely EVER leave a book unfinished so I wanted to explain why this book was an exception for me.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


77 reviews29 followers

April 5, 2021

Oh my gosh, this wasn’t the last book. I’m out.

They introduced two new POVs that really didn’t have anything to do with the storyline. I was reading them thinking, “what is the point of this right now?”

This book had all the same problems as the last two books

Inconsistency and hypocrisy. The funny thing is, the author would call these out in the book. She called Tempest out for ruining everything, which she did. The second book called Tempest out for being on her high horse. So I don’t know why the author built the characters like this in to call them out after.

The romance was a little cringe at the very end. And for such a slow burn, it actually felt like insta love since Tempest was so against it for so long. That’s why it was cringe, it felt forced.

Also, I noticed the author has trouble revealing information. Maybe that’s why she always had those prelude chapters to help her out. But big revelations, like Pyre’s origins, were just randomly said in passing, there was no build up or purpose. It was as if the author decided we should know at that point and threw it in there. There was no weaving in the story.

I tried to enjoy this series and gave it a fighting chance but it was so inconsistent, I can’t give it more than one star.

I feel bad critiquing so harshly but I really was looking forward to this series. The plot was promising and it seems like many people enjoy the series. I’m happy for them but it really doesn’t impress me. To each their own.


37 reviews1 follower

March 6, 2021

Frost Kay you hurt my feelings

Man, I am upset about this last one. I invested all this time reading and waiting for this book and then....what a let down. This whole series has been about our two main characters Tempest and Pyre. How much time do they have in this book dedicated to their development as a couple, because we know that is what it’s leading to? Not much. I gave it 3 stars for the very last part of the book. That is the only part that was all about their relationship. Ugh! But it felt so rushed! Now all of a sudden there is love written in! What? She needed to spend more time on the plot with our two main characters then adding chapters of 2 new characters that are about to get books. The Thorn character might be interesting but not so much with the Robyn of Locksly that is going to be a Mulan story. She could of also cut out Destins chapters and again focused on more scenes with our main characters. All the scenes were Tempest with the king, and Pyre watching from a far or doing his own thing. Listen, I love Frost Kay books, but like I said before it hurt my feelings. The way this book felt, it was almost YA. But, this book isn’t YA. I feel like a lot of authors try to straddle these genres right now. Its worth reading because it is the conclusion to their story, but it will leave you feeling cheated.


18 reviews

March 3, 2021

What a disappointing end to Pyre and Tempest's story. These were two characters who I really, really loved however I feel as though their transition from enemies to lovers was extremely poorly written. I'm not going to spoil it, but even after 2 books it felt rushed. Furthermore, a lot of major character deaths and plot points were thrown into this story very randomly.

Honestly, this book felt quite ammature which I've noticed with a few of Kay's other books. It disappoints me because the characters and the plot are excellent but the execution of these elements is abysmal.

♦♣ queen of faerie ♠♥

264 reviews198 followers

March 27, 2021

A great conclusion to the series, RTC (if I can be bothered).

→ 3.5 stars

    fantasy romance supernatural

✿ℎazℯℓ - thℯ ℛock Cℎick ℱairy✿

1,252 reviews185 followers

March 2, 2021

This was quite a way to finish a series!

Do you know that feeling when you want to finish a series, but at the same time, you don't want to? That's how I felt while reading this. I did my best to read slowly, but I honestly finished it in 4 hours, then I read it again. Oh well, my book hangover is definitely real! I am lucky because I didn't have to wait too long for this. I can't imagine not knowing how it all ends for months and months!

There is never a dull moment in this book. I think the strength of this book (or the whole series) lies in the intrigue, both politically and romantically. I like how the author has made me feel invested not just in our main characters, but also with the other ones. I would love, love, JUST LOVE to have a story with Brine as the main character. I'm also pretty sure that king of dragons will have his. He's too amazing to pass up. *wink wink* I also revel in the fact that the characters developed drastically. I mean, if I fought a lion one day and kissed a fox the next, I would also be a friggin different person! Haha! But really, I appreciate it all. I like how mature they all seemed to be about things. Well, as mature as a jealous fox can be. Haha!

When it ended, I was there again with them all. I was celebrating and I was happy. I was also left intrigued again. I want to know what happens to the new characters that were introduced. I just wish I didn't have to wait too long. Oh well... All in good time. Then again, this book was already such a gift. I will probably re-read this whole series just to experience that rush again. 🤎

    2021-reads fave-rave

Ellie Wright

209 reviews15 followers

April 2, 2021

What a conclusion!! There was so much I loved in this book. From Tempest and her passion and determination to save the people of Dotae to Pyre and his unwavering adoration for the fiery Hound. The introduction of new characters was great and I really hope we see more from Thorn in the future.

The Heir is the conclusion of Tempest and Pyre’s story and I absolutely adored it. There was drama, murder, battles and then an insight into how life can be better for the people of Dotae. Tempest and Pyre FINALLY give in to their feelings for one another and I couldn't have been happier. I enjoyed the slow burn and how Kay kept it up until the very end. It would have been very easy for these characters to simply submit but it also would have felt too easy.

This series is a gem and I am looking forward to future works in this world where some of the other characters take centre stage!


534 reviews37 followers

April 29, 2021

This was ok. I wasn’t really into it or the characters for that matter. I always did like Pyre but his overprotectiveness was annoying. I get that’s how the whole mate thing works but 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just can’t stand it. Saying someone is “mine” all the time makes me cringe. I don’t have too much to say this time around so I’ll just stop here. I was just a bit bored with it.



692 reviews34 followers

March 6, 2021

This book was a thrilling adventure! This series gets better and better with each book. The author writes such a way that her words suck you in, and you find an amazing journey that you ever want to leave..


1,124 reviews24 followers

March 15, 2021

The series started strong with a lot of potential but fell flat.

+Tempest. Tempest is a strong female lead who unfortunately was written to be somewhat more boring in this last book.

-Pyre's and Tempest's relationship. The enemies to lovers trope started well but was poorly executed. All the banter fell away and all we were left with was stagnant conversations between then and Pyre being very very annoying.
-Pyre. I liked Pyre as a character but once the whole mate thing started in the second book it was all downhill. Every POV chapter was him being irritatingly alpha about people touching and looking at Tempest. It was recycled in every chapter as well.

Madia M

425 reviews12 followers

April 17, 2021

I don’t even know if I can mark this book as read because I skipped whole chunks of it. It took me a month to skim this, a month! Having loved book one and enjoyed book 2 too, I’d been waiting for this but what a disappointment.

It could have been my mood that ruined this for me but I also felt like not much happened. The book focused don all the wrong people.


1,896 reviews93 followers

February 27, 2021

I seriously love this series. The Heir is the third book in the Twisted Kingdoms series by Frost Kay and it was epic! The Heir is the conclusion to Pyre's and Tempest's story. Royals are plotting, war will be waging, balls, spies, stocking truths revealed, and a rebellion that has finally found its strength. I loved this book, Pyre and Tempest got an ending that was they greatly deserved

Pyre and Tempest have come a long way not only with who they were, and the rebellion but with each other. Pyre has finally gotten the allies he needs for the rebellion, he's figured certain aspects to and even has a spy in Tempest things are coming together well. Pyre has also learned to tamp down on some of his personality aspects like the nonchalance, and he is being more open. When he first met Tempest Pyre was cold and did very questionable things, now Tempest has brought out a softer more protective side to him and he has done the same to her. Tempest was always on top of her game, her uncles would see no less but she felt like she had to prove herself, she was so eager to jump into being a hound, to spy, fight and work for the king. Now after going through somethings she realizes that it's not as glamorous as she thought and that it's okay to have feelings and Pyre has most definitely brought out a lot of feeling in her. Tempest and Pyre are great together they both are cunning, brave, willing to do things to make a change, to make things better for their people. The banter between the two is great and the angst gives the relationship just enough edge. Not to mention the new family that Tempest has found in Pyre's people, the shifters finally look at her like family and she has grown to love them as well, her relationship with Brine is the best.

I always found the hounds to be a very intriguing part of the story. Their dynamic is interesting they are somehow all apart of the same bloodline and are very close, like a true family. How they raised Tempest as all their daughter, loved her, taught her, protected her, trained her, basically gave her everything she could want, it was so endearing. I love the relationship between Tempest and all her uncles, I know that they have some problems and she didn't approve of Aleks's actions but there is still love there and the main question that has been plaguing both me and Tempest, which one is her father. Well the answer to that question is finally revealed and I am surprised but not, in hind-sight it only makes sense, but I am so glad to finally have the answer to that question.

In every fantasy, the main character crosses a villain and King Destin is one of the most horrible people I have ever come across. The man is truly unhinged, he is a murder, drug peddler, thinks women are beneath him, he's arrogant, entitled, and violent. This series has always been told from multiple perspectives and Destin's pov scared the crap out of me, dude just isn't right in the head and his son is no better. The Heir introduced two new perspectives, one being this mysterious character Thorn, who I have a feeling is gonna star in the next book in the series and the second is Robyn who gave off something of a Robin Hood Vibe and I don't know where she is gonna come into play.

The plot of The Heir was great with love, loss, rebellion, a wedding, war, surprises, and so much more. While this series may be fantasy it does have a unique fairytale feeling to it and I loved it. So much has happened and I loved every second of it. Tempest with her kind heart and bravery is a character I will forever love, while Pyre is a character I won't soon forget, the kitsune is a very complicated character who adds a dash of spice. The Heir gave me my happily ever after but things aren't over yet, more is to come in the Twisted Kingdoms.


518 reviews5 followers

May 15, 2022


This one was harder to love than the first 2 books of the series.

I'm still there for the characters but there are editorial choices I don't understand, the main one being the 2 new POV. They add absolutely nothing to the story, instead they slow it down. I get that the author wants to introduce us to the next characters of the series, but 1 POV at the beginning or end would have been enough IMO. Also, the pace of story is waaaaay slower than the others books, so the POV add to that feeling.

I love Tempest, but she was ridiculous at times, again most of the time because the male characters don't trust her with information (she's in the dark most of the time, while being one of the head of the rebellion?!!! How does it make sense?!).
I also really hate the way she feels about her sexuality. It seems completely out of line for her character's personality and I just can't get over it (if you want spice, you'll have to wait until the epilogue...)
She's still moving around more or less as she wishes without being really stopped by the king. This seems completely unrealistic (and yes, I know we are talking about a fantasy series, but still!). Wouldn't she have been spyed on when living in the castle? It made no sense when she lived in the barracks either (because how much stealth do you have to have when living and sleeping with a bunch of spies?) but when she lives in the castle it still seems easy to move around unnoticed.... Where are the guards?!

The chronology is also "ducked" in the book, because we have no real indication of time. It's the same with the places, we have no indication of how far the scenes are from each other, so it's really hard to understand when and where the events happen.

Again, I loved Pyre, but I hate the way he is with Tempest. Once he understood that she's his mate and accepted it, it was awful to read him because he more or less only talked about the fact that she's "his" and that he's frustrated about it.

Overall, I loved the characters (even King Destin who I feel had a very unsatisfactory ending...) but there are so many choice that I don't understand and don't feel comfortable with that it spoiled the story. I missed all the political part of the story, which are important to understand the plot (even if it's the book which includes the most politics)

I had to force myself to finish the book (which I'm happy about because the pace was faster around the end).


956 reviews64 followers

January 3, 2022

All hail the queen! The Heir by Frost Kay is the final book in her series Twisted Kingdoms, or at least the final story featuring the Jester and Tempest. There will be more stories set in this world which I’m all kinds of excited to read. In this finale, Tempest finds herself at the center of the plot against the king. Walking a fine line between love and hate, she must determine which side to fight on and what her role will be.

Tempest is one of my favorite heroines. She is cunning, brave, stubborn to a fault, and loyal above all else. She risks her life time and again for her chosen family, her friends, and even those she doesn’t know but feels responsible for. At the end of the last book, she felt betrayed by the Jester and her Hounds, and for the first time in our story, Tempest seems lost and unsure of what her next moves should be. It was interesting twist to see Tempest so unsure here. Her path has been certain up to this point, and shaking things up for her adds depth to her story as well as forces her to trust the people who have always had her back, even when she didn’t realize it.

The Jester has dropped all his tricks and the wall of iron he built around himself. Kay dropped a big twist in the story at the end of the last book which explains SO much about the Jester. I already liked this character, but I fell in love with him during this book. He shows vulnerability and his true self to Tempest, and like I said, I fell in love…hard.

The plot focuses on the coming war. As the King’s betrothed, Tempest finds herself at the center. She’s already chosen the side she is fighting for, but the question remains can she do it. She is in a dangerous position, at the right hand of the king. She is both positioned perfectly to execute him, but also the first to be suspected when anything bad happens. Fast paced, action packed, and full of surprises, I was engrossed from page one to the end.

Overall I really enjoyed The Heir. How Kay ties up all the loose ends and answers questions while also setting up the next story in this world is masterful. If you are a fan of enemy to lovers and edge of your seat fantasy, I highly recommend it.

    2021-finishing-the-series-challenge 2021-new-release-reading-challenge arc-clean-sweep-2015


327 reviews12 followers

October 26, 2023

The third and final instalment of Tempest and Pyre's story was wrapped up perfectly and I loved every bit of it. A good ol' fashioned happily ever after. I loved the first book, the second book was a bit of a perseverance, but the third book successfully climbed back up!

Tempest is such an incredible and formidable heroine with a tender heart. She reminds me of Snow-White meets Aelin Galathynius. I loved each of the sweet but protective Hounds, and each of the side characters were sensational. Tempest and Pyre's chemistry sizzles in a steamy slow burn way.Consider me intrigued by the small teasers of two new heroines that will be featured in the next books. I think they will be two strong additions to the series!

The whole story is full of heart-in-your-mouth adventure and heart-beating-out-your-chest romance. The author knows how to depict detestable villains, however I admire how she painted other males - in particular the hounds and the rebels - in a positive light which I find hard to come by; they're either vile, sanctimonious, or domineering over-protective brutes.

The pacing is perfect and as always Frost's writing style is engrossing. I adore the Twisted Kingdoms series and cannot wait to read more tales set in this world from this author.

Jessica Williams

128 reviews10 followers

March 7, 2021

Cunning, Conniving, and a killer read!!!! This series is full of ups and downs and will legit have you on an emotional roller coaster. I was so ready to see how the story would end but not ready for it to be over at all..... Tempest was such a great mc. I love how she was written, flaws and all. Definitely not your typical too perfect heroine. This is a such a twisted tale of revenge, justice, and sometimes doing the wrong thing to achieve the right one! I love that we are done with Temp and Pyre’s arc but have been introduced to new characters so the Twisted Kingdoms can have more books! I am so looking forward to book 4 in September. Frost Kay does not disappoint here with great world building, fantastic characters, and swoon worthy love wrapped up in one dark twisted kingdom. She does villains so well y’all! I loved it.


1,200 reviews60 followers

April 8, 2021

Very meh, some parts I rlly enjoyed and some parts that were just boring. I finished the book and it’s very much forgettable. I still loved tempest but again the book is boring.

Issues (minor spoilers ig):
There’s very little major risk in the book, there’s literally a war ppl r supposed to die in a war but in this book nahh only characters that u had little to no attachment too so u were sitting there like oh they died, oh well moving on then
we had 2.75 books building up for a “war” that was rlly basically one fight that lasted maybe 20 pages and no one got injured or sh*t
everything abt this books was dumb, like little princess becomes queen okay and? Isnt she like 15 tf is she doing like I’m sorry but why
okay Ik books can be good without smut but they gave us fade to black for what for what
this book will randomly just forget sh*t and it’s like mf make a character outline or smthg bc...
like her bestie juniper from book 1 is completely gone book 2 and then randomly shows up for abt 3 pages in this book like 🧍🏾‍♀️where she go
the other thing is her trauma from her mom death like where’s the nightmares, where’s the waking up in coldsweats, where’s the trying to find the mf who killed her (ik the ending we find out but still) like it’s very much aggravating as hell
overall mediocre nothing happens, the plot is very much preciatble and the “villian” was weak as hell like he never rlly does anything

    amazing-protagonisg damaged-but-actually-has-trauma dangerous-men-with-gun-but-not-mafi

Lisa Maher

765 reviews24 followers

February 25, 2021

I was not ready for this book to end, and then it did. I love Tempest and Pyre's story so flipping much! So many twists and turns have led them to this final show down with the king and it was so worth it. So many questions have been answered and I finally got the rest of Tempest and Pyre's love story. Those two are amazing together and I am sad to see their story come to an end. I can't wait to see what happens next in this amazing world.


282 reviews1 follower

June 29, 2021

I liked this series it had some interesting ideas and a promising beginning in book one.

But I had higher expectations for it. I wanted to read unexpected plot twists, characters who try to outmaneuver each other and lots of scheming. I got the impression that all the main characters aren't that intelligent and sometimes appeared to be idiots. Also disappointing was the "war" there was almost no suspense and it all came together too easily for my taste.

Abby W

14 reviews32 followers

March 14, 2021

The cover is terrible but that didnt affect my rating. I don't like how the main character is so good. Her morals are annoying. The characters blend together. Idk who is who. The characters are all so similar. I wanted some more character to Destin so you could also empathize at least a little even tho he Is terrible. Every villian needs some motive. Pyre was the only thing keeping it together.


220 reviews4 followers

April 1, 2022

Overall this was good.
What I didn't enjoy is that after half of the book everything seemed rushed only for the things to slow down A LOT towards the end of the book.
That being said I read the first half in one sitting while the rest I had to push through.
Anyway, I really enjoyed that we got Pyre's pov, however the Robyn one doesn't really make sense and I won't be reading further cuz her story isn't as interesting as Temp and Pyre. I get it the author wants to have more parts to the series but yeah I won't be reading further.

(the epilogue was chef's kiss)

Kennedy Sawyer

71 reviews1 follower

March 1, 2022


Did I WANT a happily ever after? Yes. Did I get one? Also yes. Am I still mad about the ending of Tempests story? More than you will ever know. This was one of the best slow burn romance series I've loved to hate.

Summer Anderson

4 reviews

February 27, 2021

Note: Minor Spoilers Ahead

I have been anxiously awaiting the final Chapter of Pyre and Tempest’s story and “The Heir” did not disappoint in its delivery. When we left off, Tempest had accepted the evil King Destin’s marriage proposal in the hopes of killing him to stop the carnage he had created among the kingdom and beyond.

While Tempest struggles to ultimately accept her predicament with King Destin, her interactions with Pyre make her realize how deeply her heart is connected to his. As a reader, you feel Temp’s struggle to balance her role as the King’s future bride, to being a Hound and having honor to her uncles, to her growing loyalty and love for the shifters who have grown fond of her as well. Author Frost Kay does a beautiful job at pulling you into the story in a way that you become quite invested in the outcome of the beloved characters she created in this world.

Pyre has really grown throughout this series, and that is due to Tempest’s influence on his life. He comes to terms with the fact that if he wants Temp to be in his life then he has to put everything out there about himself and let her decide what she wants in the end: an ending that may or may not include him.

Aside from just the turmoil Tempest faces, she never loses focus when it comes to those she cares about the most. Temp also grows in her maturity by opening her heart to Pyre as he begins to open up to her in the deepest of ways. I love seeing their slow-burn romance evolve into a connection that Temp can no longer deny by the time she has to marry King Destin and face the consequences of her decisions.

“The Heir” is an adventure of love, friendship, loyalty, and loss. Kay beautifully ties together the pieces of Pyre and Tempest’s story and gives us the ending that we have been waiting for (wink wink) with these two strong and loveable characters.

I highly recommend this series for anyone that loves a slow burn that takes you on a wild ride that you hate to leave.


266 reviews34 followers

March 2, 2021

I need more Tempest and Pyre this was wayyy too short especially the way the epilogue was cut off. Ms Frost Kay drop a bonus scene please 😭😭😭



176 reviews1 follower

February 5, 2022

Another solid and entertaining but vaguely underwhelming instalment in this series. The action in the second half finally ramped up and the secrets and sabotage came to a satisfying conclusion. I felt underwhelmed with aspects of the plot that were set up in book two but ended up leading nowhere. And the perspectives from new characters (while I see it’s a set up for more books) was lengthy and boring. All I cared about was seeing Temp and Pyre’s relationship finally work out, and it was an underwhelming few pages 😭😭. Not sure if it’s just suuuuper YA or there’s an author aversion to intimacy. So many aspects and tropes are similar to other YA/NA fantasy (looking at you ACOTAR…) that it didn’t feel super captivating or new to me. Big thumbs up to Pyre for holding my interest in this series 😅.

Siany91 Marie

145 reviews1 follower

April 10, 2021

Whilst this is a good series, it definitely is one that started stronger, dipped and finished with a middle ground.

I didn't dislike Tempest, but her temper tantrums. I mean ... I get it she' 18, but she is not 8. Maybe she could act like it ...

Plus, if I had to read one more time "she's mine" I think I would have screamed! NO ONE IS ANOTHERS! Why are we still accepting of someone saying this! We belong to ourselves, that's why we fight so hard for independence!

Don't even get me started on the King.


484 reviews12 followers

May 5, 2021

This is the third book in the Twisted Kingdoms series, I don't think it's the last one because two random POVs were introduced but we definitely get some closure on Tempest's story- however abrupt that closure was. Tempest starts the book engaged to her enemy, it's a dangerous position for her to be in but she's doing it to better the lives of those around her. She can't help but regret her choices though as she finds her well-being and safety constantly on the line.

So I was hesitant to call the first books in the series enemies to lovers just because there was so little real interactions between the protagonists. It's like the author finally realized that in this book and decided to do a whole 180 and dive deep into that whole overprotective alpha male thing that YA loves so much. Which doesn't really work on the premise of the other books, he considered her a dangerous enemy to the point that he might try to murder her to silence her as a threat but then he's like oops just kidding she's a maiden in need of protecting. I just didn't vibe with it all that much.

It felt like everything that was so hyped up in the previous books was just kind of closed in the last twenty pages. Her father? Resolved just like that. The kingdom? Placed into safe hands in the blink of an eye. I just wanted more than this book was giving me. It wasn't the worst thing to read it was just a lot of dropped plot lines and failed expectations.

This review and all my others can be found at: https://aworldshapedbybooks.blogspot....

    fantasy fantasy-romance


4 reviews

March 8, 2021

Its not bad. But its not great either.... I kinda liked the story but the writing is really confusing at times. Also sometimes it feels like scenes are just dropped into the storry line even though it doesnt really make sense.
Also the whole "she is mine" thing doesnt really sit well with me... I mean yeah i dig a good love interest and the dude is more then welcome to be a littl rough and broody... But this is bit cringy for me... So all in all i got a ok ending to tempests storyline but I wount read the bext books...

The Heir (The Twisted Kingdoms, #3) (2024)


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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

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